These naturally occurring oils are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant.

Essential oils can be used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. They can be used as single essential oils or in complex essential oil blends depending on user experience and desired benefit. 

I use essentials oils for just about every part of my life, including cleaning and laundry, to skin care and aromatherapy and even travel and overall well-being and health. Essentials oils are so important to my life, and that is why I am so excited to be able to offer them to you! 

When you first open a bottle of essential oil, you instantly notice that the aroma is potent and you can smell it typically even from some distance. The physical and chemical properties of the essential oils allow them to quickly move through the air and directly interact with the olfactory sensors in the nose. Such unique properties make essential oils ideal for applications inclusion in aromatherapy . Different essential oils and their aromatic qualities, have different benefits to offer.

BUY ESSENTIAL OILS AT 25% OFF RETAIL PRICING  either by contacting me or by shopping using the button below. I am happy to explain the oils to you, the benefits of each and get a kit sent to you.